Live streamed forum focusing on how to start organizing change


How do we make change? What is involved? Why is there a need? In the Iceberg of Activism: The Hidden Part of Organizing Change, panelists will engage in an open and energizing discussion regarding the work that goes into advocating and actualizing positive change.


Marc La Pointe | Moscow, ID

Participating Artists

Ellie Baron

Action Corps NYC Lead Organizer

Karen Oberhauser

University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum Director, Aldo Leopold Professor of Restoration Ecology

Yolibeth Rangel-FitzGibbon

Executive Director of Mosaicos Cultural Enrichment

Christopher Sims

Environmental and Eco Justice Advocate & Artist

April Sopkin

Artist and East High School Art Teacher

Olivia Wisden

CEO & Co-Founder of UnderBelly Creative

Anders Zanichwosky

Artist, Activist, and Writer