“I have always felt a compulsion to put disparate stuff together. As a child I was never satisfied with the toys that I got until I had taken them apart to see what made them tick. Putting them back together was nearly as easy as taking them apart and so I got used to combining whatever I had to work with into unusual hybrids. Besides warping my world view, this practice helped form my view of materials as having a plastic nature outside of their original intended purpose.”
Paleo electronics
While working in the electrical field I spent quite a bit of time with all sorts of antiquated equipment, usually trying to coax a bit more life out of it, or removing it in order to update it with a black box that could do the same job better and faster but without any of the mechanical beauty. I started to really admire the quality of the work and precision that went into these older devices and was often stunned at the complexity of function arrived at through the most simple means. The wiring and mechanical means of the piece became important design elements. I began to use these same means to bring the viewers eyes around the work.
Madison, WI | https://myowndevices.org/